Scheme: Crabtree Farm Gilling West 
Client: T.S Willis 
Surface finish: Surface dressing of a 6mm chip 
Date: May 2019 
In-situ process: Cement Stabilisation 
The road to Crabtree farm was a typical farm road originally built for early motor vehicles and over the years more material has been added to accommodate for larger and wider vehicles. 
Due to increased use of the road for the farming enterprise and the livery stables, the road was requiring regular maintenance to fill potholes caused by weather conditions and fast-moving vehicles. 
The decision was taken to cement stabilise the road and surface dress the surface with bitumen and a 6mm whinstone chip. 
This method of stabilisation was used because the road could be re-opened much earlier than the process of completing the wet cement sealed finish. 
The existing material within the road was milled through and crushed to a depth of 150mm producing a regulated material to work with. The binder agent (cement) and water is then added and mixed in using the same milling / crushing machine. The moisture content is then assessed, and more agent can be added if required and mixed in. 
Once all the above requirements have been carried out the material is then graded and rolled to add a camber, to disperse the rainwater, leaving a road construction suitable for vehicles of all sizes. 
This cement stabilised material is then left to cure for 2 days before completing the application of surface dressing of bitumen and 6mm chip to prevent water ingress, improve skid resistance and to leave a smooth-running surface. 
The re-engineering of in-situ material within unclassified rural roads has many advantages over traditional methods. Time savings for the road being out of use, costly movements of removing contaminate materials of site and importing new quarried materials to complete the process. 
In-situ mixing of material can reduce the carbon footprint of any job dramatically due to the reduced vehicle movements on site, not only does this process help the environment and surrounding residents it has a great cost saving for the client. 
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